The first complete aftermarket tool for precise auto glass camera calibration. Opti-Aim™ from Pilkington is the industry's first aftermarket calibration tool for managing complex installations that demand precise, camera-ready accuracy. With Opti-Aim™, you can stay current with emerging calibration opportunities and get your customers back on the road.
The camera calibration process can be complicated and different for every vehicle — but Opti-Aim™ makes the job simple and efficient. Once connected to the automobile, Opti-Aim™ begins the calibration process and works with the vehicle's computer to optimize camera alignment and restore it to OEM specifications.
Opti-Aim™ allows you to perform both static and dynamic calibrations with pinpoint accuracy and reliability. Static calibration can be done right in your shop, while dynamic calibration is done on the road using lane markers to align the camera.
Opti-Aim™ will be offered beginning first quarter 2017 (subject to availability). Sign up for the Opti-Aim™ pre-order today to join our priority listing for
Opti-Aim™ purchases.
New revenue opportunities for complex ADAS auto glass jobs
Capable of static and dynamic calibration as specified by OEMs
Precision, reliability, and convenience for your customers
One portable tool for any vehicle make and model
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